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Steve likes to think that he's the main character of this comic.  Little does he know that since it's the typical soap opera format, that he's just another bit player, just like everyone else.  Steve is extremely loyal to his friends.  He doesn't typically anger easily, but when he does...just don't get on his bad side.   Steve is very much in love with Claude. They just recently celebrated their 8th anniversary. Things just keep getting better.   And then worse.  And then better again.
Claude is Steve's husband of 8 years.  He is usually supportive of Steve, but never fails to tell him when he's wrong.  Claude really wants to have Steve find a job that will pay well, so that he (Claude) can stay home and not have to work.  He likes his cocktails, and wherever he is, trouble is somewhere off waiting in the wings.
Christian is the resident "bad boy".  He wears no shirt, all the time.  Nobody really knows a lot about Christian other than that hre of how he feels about her in return.e wears a cross necklace, and that he dislikes Steve a lot.   Christian is friends with Jamie and  Larissa.   Christian now knows that Larissa has feelings for him.   However, he's very much unsure how he feels about Larissa.
Jamie is Steve's cousin.  She is ever so slightly naive.   Jamie is a little boy crazy.  She is well intentioned, but tends to end up looking silly.   Jamie is the twin sister of JJ.   She is currently dating David, the banker. And recently confessed to having had sex with him.  Jamie found out that she was pregnant a few weeks ago, and is currently in a coma, after having been hit in a hit & run accident.
JJ is also Steve's cousin.  He is the twin brother of Jamie.  JJ has fiery orange hair.  He has a temper, which at times actually can match his hair.  JJ has had a crush on Monica since High School. Although until very recently, he had never admitted it to anyone.  JJ once won a pizza eating contest, by eating 57 slices in 10 minutes.  JJ has a knack for always being in the right place at the wrong time.  He is also very active in a conspiracy theory club.
Monica is Jamie's best friend.  They've known each other practically since the womb. Monica is the most secretive of the circle of friends.  She is very interested in Men's fashion. She  is usually the peacekeeper of the group.  Monica has a dream to publish a book someday.   Monica disappeared from Warren, America in March 2007.   On Christmas 2007, Monica revealed finally that she has changed identities, in a phone message to Steve's mom, Molly.
Mia is Steve's best friend from art school.  She lives in Jersey, so doesn't get to see Steve a lot.  She makes a killer baked Ziti, and loves anything 80's.  Mia and Steve are competitive when it comes to...well, a lot of stuff. Despite what her red hair may make you think, Mia doesn't really have much of a temper.  However, her sarcasm far surpasses anyone else's.
David works at the bank.  He has known the crew for a very long time.  David is currently dating Jamie, and dated Monica in High School.  He's a very hard worker, but can also be quite insecure.   Jamie revealed in confession that she and David had sex.  David is the father of Jamie's baby.  David has a passion for anything that has to do with water.
Molly is Steve and Matt's mother.  She and Steve, Sr. have been married for nearly 30 years.  Molly is fiercely protective of her family.  However, she spends more time focused on other people than she does on herself.  Molly is a good daughter,and sister and calls her mother, Marie, every Sunday.  Molly is something of a therapist, although, she has never gone to college, nor studied Psychology or Psychiatry.
Steve Sr.
Steve Sr. is Steve and Matt's father.  He has been married to Steve's mother, Molly for nearly 30 years.  Steve is very supportive of both his boys and their families.   He is very excited to be a first time   granddad. Steve Sr. dreams of someday opening his own   theme park, and tries to enlist anyone and everyone to help him achieve that dream.  Steve Sr. likes to be the one in charge, and has a hard time when he is not the one giving out the instructions. 
Steve Sr.
Matt is Steve Jr.'s younger brother.  He works for the Corrections department.  Matt has been married to Sarah for 5 years.  They recently had twins. Dylan and Katie.  He is fiercely protective of his family.  He's very good at taking things apart, and not being able to put them back together again.
Sarah is Matt's wife of  5 years.  She is the mother to twins, Dylan and Katie.  Sarah knows a lot of stuff about everyone in town.  If you need dirt on anyone in town, your best bet is to talk to her.
Larissa is a friend of Jamie's.  She is close to Christian.  There is a strong resemblance to Jamie, that has never been explained.  Larissa went into outer space in 2006, and returned in July 2007.  She claims that she was abducted by aliens.  But we all know that couldn't have happened.   She has a thing for Christian.   We'll have to see how he feels about her...
Xylark is rumored to be a little green alien.  Supposedly, he was the one who abducted Larissa.  Xylark is Seven hundred fifty six thousand four hundred thirty one and a half light years old.  He works for "The Alien Queen."  Xylark loves his ray gun, and hopes to some day take over the earth.  *Mwahahahaha*
Kate is Jamie and JJ's mom, Molly's sister, and Steve and Matt's aunt.  So far, Kate has only been a supporting player.  She jumps to conclusions, often creating her own drama.  Kate is a rival of Sarah's when it comes to knowing things about people.  Kate's fierceness when it comes to her kids, often leads to awkwardness.  Or at least discomfort for anyone who doesn't know her.
Gabi works at Inferno, the local coffee shop.  She hates her job, and people, and sunlight, and laughter, and happiness...  You get the picture.  She really is nice, once you get to know her.  REALLY!  Her name is pronounced Gab-by.
The Alien Queen
The Alien Queen is Xylark's boss.  She seems to be a lesbian, as she is very enamored of Larissa.  Although, she could be bisexual, and  have a fondness for little green men.  She is very demanding.  Very, very, demanding.
Alex bears a striking resemblance to Monica.  He has only made one appearance in public.  Alex showed up in town the same time that Monica disappeared.  Currently, not much is known about Alex, other than he is living in Monica's old apartment with all Monica's stuff... Alex was on the scene of the Hit & Run involving Jamie.  It appears that he has feelings for Jamie.
James is Kate and Molly's brother, and JJ, Jamie, Matt and Steve's uncle.  He is a very angry man.  James is very uncomfortable around people who are different.  James does not like people of other races than his own, and hates that he has not only a nephew, but also a brother who is gay.
Marie is Steve's grandmother, and Molly's mother.  She is the matriarch of the family. She rules the family with an iron fist, and won't stand for ignorance. Especially when it comes from inside her family.     Marie is never seen without a cigarette.   She may look like a harmless little old lady, but she is quite the opposite.
Dr. Paige
Doctor Paige was the doctor who delivered Dylan and Katie.  He may single handedly keep the hair products industry in business.  Dr. Paige is married, and has a child. 
"Gramps" Ryan

"Gramps" is Steve Sr.'s father.  He is self-made, and proud of his accomplishments.  His world is paved with good intentions, and his goal is ultimately to restore family relationships.  He and Steve Jr. are on very shaky ground, and not sure where things should go from there.  At the moment, they are not on speaking terms.

 Nurse Stef

Nurse Stef appears to be a jack of all trades, as far as her specialty goes at the hospital.  She helped with the delivery of  Dylan and Katie, and is helping out with the nursing duties for Jamie while she's in a coma.

Officer Barnaby

"Officer Barnaby is the officer who pulled Matt & Sarah over on the way to the hospital.  He changed his mind about the ticket, when given the chance to deliver the babies himself or escorting them to the hospital.

Other Characters

Officer Duncan
Officer Duncan is the supervising head of the investigation into Jamie's Hit & Run accident.

The Twins
Dylan and Katie. Dylan and Katie are Matt and Sarah's twins. They were born in August 2007, but weren't named until December 2007. Weird... They're identical twins, with the exception of one being male, the other female. 

Bill is the clerk at Doug's Drugstore.  He sold Monica the hair clippers that completed her transformation.  He lovingly calls Doug's "Doug's Drugs." 

Ringo is the Pirate Cat, featured on the Extra's page.  He is modelled after the cat that lives where I (Real Steve) work.  He doesn't actually have a peg-leg.  He does, however, only have 3 legs.  And he doesn't really wear an eye patch, although, he does only have one eye.  A little artistic license was taken....

Pete, the Psychotic Paper Bag.  Ah, how could I forget Pete.  Pete is the paper bag responsible for murders on Halloween of 2006. 


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